Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Taco Tuesday

Got into a conversation last night with my daughter and mother-in-law regarding food days. Seems many places from restaurants to school cafeterias to even my own menu have a Taco Tuesday. Do we like things that sound right together? How about Tettrazini Tuesday? Not quite the same zing to it. Looking at my own menu, I find I have certain days for certain foods. We almost always eat a pasta dish on Mondays, Tuesdays , well yes, its Taco night. Wednesday is usually some kind of soup or goulash in a crock pot, by Thursday I am ready for a good ole American burger. Fridays through Sundays I get a bit more adventerous and make something new, my newest cuisine is Indian. Saturday I will make Tandoori Chicken and Coconut Rice. I am looking for more recipes to add to the nights menu. Much of my newer ideas have come from cooking shows, specifically Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" on the Travel Channel. I am addicted to that show. Now I am not ready to go off and make Blood Sausage or eat an Organ Kabob, but it has shown me that there are many different foods out there that I need to try. I have mastered the Greek Gyro and many variations on the theme. Last weekend we enjoyed Greek Salisbury Steak with roasted vegetables, served with Cucumber Sauce and Parmesean Garlic Noodles. It was a big hit with the whole clan.

I did make homemade doughnuts yesterday and we all went on a carbo/grease overload that slightly warped my brain and palate. Too much of a good thing I guess. Actually the recipe called for a chocolate glaze on them but I may have fallen into a coma had I made and then devoured that.

We are enjoying, no wait, suffering through our lovely MN cold weather so I am thinking a good ole chicken stew is in order for tomorrow. I have ,bar none, the best stew recipe in the world. Tomorrow I will take photos and do a tutorial on it. You family will thank you. It is THAT good!

On another note, as many of you know I was putting out a newsletter every few months and then as life threw me curve balls, it got neglected. So I am now going to do a bi-weekly newsletter that I will send out by email to anyone that is interested. It will include the following:
News Items: Opinions and responses
Photo gallery
Specials and Sales
Recipes for the Kitchen
Make it yourself Beauty Bonanza
Going Green
Holidays and Events
Family Fun Ideas

and much more.

Send me an email to be on the list. Your email will be kept private.
First edition coming next week. beth@blissnblossomfarm.com

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