Monday, July 30, 2007


I am having a blog only coffee special. I have an excess of coffee on hand right now so I am goin to do a BOGO special. It's my special Farmhouse Blend and it scrupmtous. Rich yet not overpowering the perfect get up and go way to start your day! Just $6.95 a bag and with the BOGO you get two for the price of one. BUT wait there's more..... (always wanted to say that!) because there ia still free shipping through this week! So get your orders in now. Just put BOGO in the comment line.

And the winner is......

Well ladies, I have been enjoying computer snaffoos all weekend so had to wait until today to get this updated. My apologies to all. I must say the down time gave me a chance to get started on the Harry Potter book.

OK, the winner of the spa kit is.... Deep South Mamma MJF! Email me your info! And Congratulations! Thank you to all that participated. I will be having another drawing very soon!