Thursday, December 13, 2007

Holiday Excitement ~ Ideas 101

I wanted to share with y'all a few of my holiday ideas for making the season bright. Here are two of my favorites.

Holiday Cocoa

I made this for years with my preschool classes.

You will need a pint size canning jar and lid.
Holiday Fabric

Trace the lid onto the fabric and add 2 inches to the circle.
Ribbon should fit around the outside of the lid to decorate.


1 cup confectioners sugar
1 cup powdered chocolate
1 cup powdered milk
1 bag mini marshmallows

Mix the sugar, chocolate and milk. Add to jar in thirds alternating between the mix and the mini marshmallows. Put on lid, cover with fabric, screw top on and tie with a ribbon.

A great variation on this is to reduce the milk and chocolate by half and add 1 cup instant coffee. This makes a great frothy cappaccino.

On another note, I think it is the right time of year to do those little things to bring cheer to those around you. People in the service industry deal with some of the crabbiest people around. next time you are in the checkout line, be sure to give your warmest of holiday greetings to the person helping you. Don't forget the greeters at the door too, they alwyas appreciate a pleasant smile and kind words.

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